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Network Changes (2022)

How do I setup my telephone adapter?
How can I test outgoing calls from my Callcentric phone?
How can I test incoming calls to my Callcentric phone?
Why do I get the message "Your phone is not registered" when I log in to my account?
Does Callcentric support 7 or 10 digit dialing?
What ports do I need to use in my UA or firewall?
Can I place test calls with my Callcentric account?
What IP blocks should I add to my router/firewall?
How do I do a lookup for Callcentric SRV records?
Which domains support only SRV records?

How do I setup my telephone adapter?
We provide setup guides for the most common UA (hardware or software) used with Callcentric. You can click one of the categories below to view different types of UA and find the guide which would work best for you.

ATA AdaptorsSuch as the Linksys PAP2, Cisco SPA and Grandstream HandyTone
IP PhonesSuch as the Grandstream GXV3140 Video phone, Gigaset DX800A, Polyom Soundpint and snom 820
Cordless IP PhonesSuch as the Gigaset C610A, A510 and snom m9
IP PBX SoftwareFrom Asterisk, snom, 3CX and more
Desktop SoftphonesSuch as X-Lite, ZoIPer, Jitsi, LinPhone and more
Mobile SoftphonesSuch as the popular Acrobits, cSIPSimple and native clients for Nokia and Android phones

If none of the above match what you are trying to use then you may use the geenric settings that should work for most devices with our Generic / Other setup guide.

How can I test outgoing calls from my Callcentric phone?
From your Callcentric phone you can call 17771234567 which will connect you to the voice activated "Tell Me" service provided by 1-800-555-TELL (8355).

The "Tell Me" service number 17771234567 can be dialed by any Callcentric member with any calling plan for free.

Callcentric does not endorse nor is affiliated with the "Tell Me" service.

You may also try the free Directory Assistance feature of Callcentric by dialing: 411
This will allow you to lookup a person, business, or government phone number.

How can I test incoming calls to my Callcentric phone?
There are a few ways to do this:

1. If you have another Callcentric account simply call from your other account to the account you want to receive a call on. Please note that both accounts will need to be registered to Callcentric at the time, and you cannot call out from a device (I.E. IP Phone) or a Softphone that is registering both accounts at the same time.

2. If you have a Real or Alternate number simply call it from the traditional phone network (PSTN).

3. Use the Click 2 Dial feature by following the directions below:
a. Login to your account on the My Callcentric website.
b. Click on the "Click 2 Dial" link under the HOME menu.
c. On the Click 2 Dial page the field "Moderator of the call:" will be pre-populated with your Callcentric number.
d. Enter the number 17771234567 into the field labeled "Please enter the number you wish to dial:"
e. Click the DIAL button.

Once you have clicked the DIAL button Callcentric will place a call to your Callcentric phone which will ring. Once you have answered the call, Callcentric will immediately place an outbound call to the test number: 17771234567.

Why do I get the message "Your phone is not registered" when I log in to my account?
If you log in to your account and see the message "Your phone is not registered" on the left side of the page then there could be many reasons to explain why your UA (phone) is not registered.

You can first check to make sure that you have setup your UA properly by visiting our support home page. If your UA is not listed on that page you may follow our Generic / Other setup guide.

You can also make sure that your internet connection is working and that you can ping our servers.

If you are able to ping our servers you can then check to make sure that your ISP is not blocking SIP/VoIP packets.

If you are using X-Lite you can also make sure that the "Register with domain and receive incoming calls" option is checked in your configuration. If you are using a UA which supports DNS SRV then you will want to make sure that you have enabled this feature. You will also want to use public DNS servers (,, in your network configuration.

If all else fails you can easily contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Does Callcentric support 7 or 10 digit dialing?
Currently Callcentric does not support account level 7 and 10 digit dialing. This is something we may introduce in the future however until it is a stable feature we cannot give an ETA or exact date as to when such a feature may be available.

In the meantime users may configure their devices to support 7 or 10 digit dialing. Listed below are some of the more common devices and software which support 7 or 10 digit dialing:

NOTE: Please be aware that some hardware/software simply DO NOT support 10 or 7 digit dialing while some may only support either 10 or 7 digit dialing.

NOTE: NPA = Your local area code or the area code you want 7 digit dialing for.

NOTE: Please make sure to replace NPA with your desired area code for 7 digit dialing where indicated.

PAP2 and Linksys/Sipura Devices


Telco Systems AC-211


Innomedia SIP MTA-6328

Unfortunately since the Innomedia MTA does not support digit replacement in the dial string it is not possible to configure 7 or 10 digit dialing for this device.

Asterisk/Asterisk Derivatives

Asterisk offers the ability to configure very complex dial plans. Listed below is a dial pattern/rule you can add to your current asterisk Callcentric outbound route to add support for 7 or 10 digit dialing. Please make sure that you are configuring your dial plan properly and that the outbound route to Callcentric is accepting the calls you want to go out through it.



For pbxnsip creating a dial plan is very simple as it can be done easily from the web interface. Note that callcentric is the standard name of the Callcentric trunk and 9 is the standard prefix in our pbxnsip configuration guide. To configure your 7 and 10 digit dial plans simply navigate to your Dial-Plans page and make sure you have the following:



3CX also offers a very simple interface for configuring dial plans. By default the outbound route for Callcentric uses 9 as the qualifier so we make sure to strip 1 digit from the number dialed for ever pattern we add. Please use the information below to create outbound rules for Callcentric in order to enable 7 and 10 digit dialing:

7 Digit

Rule NameRule for Callcentric 7 Digit
Calls to numbers starting with (Prefix)9
Calls from extension(s)
Calls to Numbers with a length of8

Strip DigitsPrepend

10 Digit

Rule NameRule for Callcentric 10 Digit
Calls to numbers starting with (Prefix)9
Calls from extension(s)
Calls to Numbers with a length of11

Strip DigitsPrepend

Grandstream (Models: HT286/287, HT386, HT486, HT488, HT501)

Unfortunately Grandstream devices are not able to support 7 and 10 digit dialing properly. These devices allow you to add a prefix for all outbound calls, which would cause *123 to be sent out at 1*123...etc, which would come in handy if you want all of your outbound calls to prefix a 9 for example. However such a scenario would work in a PBX environment where 9 would select the Callcentric trunk. In short these devices do not support 7 or 10 digit dialing at this time.

What ports do I need to use in my UA or firewall?
When configuring your user agent (UA) or firewall to work with Callcentric there are certain ports which need to be enabled to avoid quality and/or stability issues. Generally these ports are configured by default; however for users requiring the specific port numbers and protocols please use the information below:

NOTE: You can customize these ports however users who change the ports are generally doing this in advanced environments and will have access to the technical information required.

SIP Ports

Port = 5060
*Port range = 5060 - 5080
Protocol = UDP or UDP/TCP
Direction = Incoming and Outgoing

RTP Ports

The RTP port may vary by UA. If configuring a firewall you will want to configure a range which includes the default RTP port in your UA. A port range of 10 ports may work for most users.

If you will be placing multiple simultaneous calls then a larger range would be required. Users in this scenario will generally know their range requirements and should be able to implement this accordingly.

NOTE: If you are unsure of how many ports to allow then you may simply allow the range between 10000-65535 for RTP data from Callcentric.

Port = Depends on UA
*Port range = Generally a range of 10 ports should suffice
Protocol = UDP or UDP/TCP
Direction = Incoming and Outgoing

*This is for users who may require a port range for their firewall or router

If you still have further questions on this topic please contact us for further assistance.

Can I place test calls with my Callcentric account?
Once you have setup your UA to work with your Callcentric account you may test certain things such as incoming calling, outgoing calling, call quality and more without making any purchases. You can use the list of numbers below to assist you with these tests.

Please note that NONE of the numbers below are billed to your account as they are all free to access from the Callcentric network.

Directory service411
Call quality17770000001, 17771234567, 16317918378
Caller ID16317918378

If you still have more questions regarding testing your account please contact us for further assistance.

What IP blocks should I add to my router/firewall?
If you have a secured/restricted network and need to know the ports and IP addresses to allow for Callcentric then please use the information below.

NOTE: In general ports 5060-5080 should be allowed in order to properly communicate with the Callcentric servers. Users experiencing audio issues may want to check that RTP audio is not blocked by their firewall configuration:

IP addresses/Networks ( - ( -

If you are making changes for security purposes or are using more advanced configurations please make sure that the ports used with your SIP UA are not blocked by your firewall rules.

If you continue to have problems then you may contact us for further assistance.

How do I do a lookup for Callcentric SRV records?
There are avarious ways to do a lookup for SRV Callcentric SRV records.

Note: Keep in mind that SRV records change regularly and what you see may not match what is shown below perfectly:

dig -t SRV _service._protocol.fqdn
For example:
dig -t SRV _sip._udp.sip.callcentric.net

; <<>> DiG 9.8.4-rpz2+rl005.12-P1 <<>> -t SRV _sip._udp.sip.callcentric.net
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 54164
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 4, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;_sip._udp.sip.callcentric.net. IN SRV

_sip._udp.sip.callcentric.net. 60 IN SRV 20 0 5080 bravo15.callcentric.net.
_sip._udp.sip.callcentric.net. 60 IN SRV 20 0 5080 bravo14.callcentric.net.
_sip._udp.sip.callcentric.net. 60 IN SRV 20 0 5080 bravo12.callcentric.net.
_sip._udp.sip.callcentric.net. 60 IN SRV 20 0 5080 bravo13.callcentric.net.

dig -t SRV _sip._udp.fqdn
For example:
nslookup -querytype=srv _sip._udp.sip.callcentric.net

_sip._udp.sip.callcentric.net SRV service location:
priority = 20
weight = 0
port = 5080
svr hostname = bravo13.callcentric.net
_sip._udp.sip.callcentric.net SRV service location:
priority = 20
weight = 0
port = 5080
svr hostname = bravo14.callcentric.net
_sip._udp.sip.callcentric.net SRV service location:
priority = 20
weight = 0
port = 5080
svr hostname = bravo15.callcentric.net
_sip._udp.sip.callcentric.net SRV service location:
priority = 20
weight = 0
port = 5080
svr hostname = bravo12.callcentric.net

callcentric.net nameserver = ns-1058.awsdns-04.org
callcentric.net nameserver = ns-1572.awsdns-04.co.uk
callcentric.net nameserver = ns-292.awsdns-36.com
callcentric.net nameserver = ns-777.awsdns-33.net
bravo12.callcentric.net internet address =
bravo13.callcentric.net internet address =
bravo14.callcentric.net internet address =
bravo15.callcentric.net internet address =
ns-292.awsdns-36.com internet address =
ns-292.awsdns-36.com AAAA IPv6 address = 2600:9000:5301:2400::1
ns-777.awsdns-33.net internet address =
ns-777.awsdns-33.net AAAA IPv6 address = 2600:9000:5303:900::1

If you have more questions please open a trouble ticket on your account.

Which domains support only SRV records?
Callcentric supports DNS A and SRV records for domain lookup on SIP domains. Some SIP domains only support SRV records. As such these records will not be visible with an A record lookup.

The following domains are ONLY visible with devices which support SRV records:


If you have more questions please open a trouble ticket on your account.