At Callcentric we empower our customers with the Freedom and Flexibility to configure their VoIP services exactly as they need. You are not required to purchase an incoming and outgoing plan at the same time, but can do so if you need both.

Our idea of flexibility means that YOU choose which incoming service is best for you, YOU choose which outgoing Plan fits your calling patterns, and because all our plans are month to month if your needs change YOU can update your plan(s) at ANY TIME. This unique approach allows you to customize the most cost-effective internet phone service solution(s) for your needs.

Plan name Includes Monthly fee Setup fee
IP Freedom Unlimited in-network calling to Callcentric customers and other VoIP networks. $0.00 $0.00 Order Now
Pay Per Call Anywhere - low per-minute rates on the calls you make. $0.00 $0.00 Order Now
North America Basic E911 + 120 mins to US, Canada, PR.
Int'l calls at our low per-minute rates
$1.95 $1.50 Order Now
North America 500 E911 + 500 mins to US, Canada, PR.
Int'l calls at our low per-minute rates
$6.95 $1.50 Order Now
North America 1000 E911 + 1000 mins to US, Canada, PR.
Int'l calls at our low per-minute rates
$12.95 $1.50 Order Now
North America 2500 new E911 + 2500 mins to US, Canada, PR.
Int'l calls at our low per-minute rates
$29.95 $1.50 Order Now
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Plan name Geographical location Incoming
Monthly fee Setup fee
Pay Per Minute USA and Canada $0.015
per minute
$1.95 $3.95 Get a number
Toll Free
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USA and Canada Recently reduced rates! $3.95 $3.95 Get a number
Office Unlimited USA and Canada Unlimited $8.95 $8.95 Get a number
Service Provider Unlimited USA and Canada Unlimited $19.95 $19.95 Get a number
International Unlimited Over 50 countries Unlimited varies by country Get a number
Local number portability (LNP) | Compare our phone numbers

Plan name Supported Numbers Per message cost Monthly fee Setup fee
SMS Basic USA / Canada $0.010 $1.00 $0.00 Order Now
SMS Pro USA / Canada $0.008 $2.00 $0.00 Order Now

Additional Incoming Channels
Product name Monthly fee Setup fee
Additional Incoming Channels Price varies by product. Click order now to see pricing. Get a number

Product name Monthly fee Setup fee
Voicemail $0.00 $0.00 Order Now

Prices exclude taxes. Additional 911 Service Fee for US and Canada customers on Pay Per Call rate plan and all phone number products.
Phone Numbers Sale

A Dirt Cheap DID is a phone number like our other phone number products; we've just lowered the price! We are currently have overstock on DIDs in some parts of the USA and Canada; as a result you save money!

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number (LNP):
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